Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Best Movie You Will Probably Never See

My nomination for the category Best Movie You Will Probably Never See is "The Lost World of Mr. Hardy".

Released in 2008 and commonly considered a 'fishing movie', "The Lost World of Mr. Hardy" is really a tale of a lost time, when Britian had an empire, British manufacturing led the world and one small company, Hardy Brothers of Alnwick, England, produced the finest fishing tackle for kings, maharajahs, captains of industry and an expanding English middle class that had time and money on their hands and wanted to give this thing called 'fly fishing' a try.

It is a slow, almost languid movie that uses contemporary interviews and historical film footage to tell the tale of the rise, fall and resurrection of English manufacturing, and the corresponding changes in English society, as reflected in the story of Hardy's.

You won't find this movie on the shelf at Blockbuster and I don't think Netflix carries it. But if you do run across a copy take the time to watch it. It is a gem. Heck, you can always borrow my copy!

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